
Why do I need to declare gallstones?

Gallstones are small, solid deposits found in the gallbladder, and in most cases do not cause symptoms or need to be treated at all. They are extremely common, however can cause complications such as inflammation of the gallbladder, or they can trigger sudden and intense attacks of abdominal pain. If you’ve been diagnosed with gallstones, it may be difficult to find suitable medical travel insurance. Although you may not experience any effects or symptoms from this condition, you will need to disclose it when applying for travel insurance to ensure that you are protected for your trip against any possible related circumstances. Before organising any travel plans, always check with your doctor or consultant that you are fit to travel. You should also ensure that you have a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), or valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if you are intending to travel within Europe.

How am I covered for gallstones under medical travel insurance?

A travel insurance policy covering gallstones gives you access to medical assistance if you are unwell while travelling. There is an emergency medical helpline which runs 24/7, and gives you access to a multilingual medical team who can speak to medical professionals on your behalf. The medical expenses section of a policy commonly also covers you for additional expenses incurred, such as ambulance or hospital admission costs, alongside repatriation to the UK. This would be for your gallstones and other declared pre-existing conditions, in addition to unforeseen medical emergencies. Under the terms of a medical travel insurance policy, you would also be able to make a claim for cancellation if you are unable to travel for these reasons too. Please be aware that different insurers offer different levels of cover, and you should check the cover limits of the policy prior to purchase.

Who can cover me for gallstones and how do I find cover?

Our online medical screening makes it easy to compare travel insurance that covers pre-existing medical conditions at Please note that if you are on a waiting list for investigation or treatment for gallstones, some insurers are unable to offer you a quote until such treatment is completed. Entering your details online requires you to answer some questions in relation to your gallstones and any other pre-existing medical conditions. Such questions might need answers relating to treatment, medication, surgeries, or associated complications. Your answers to these questions allow us to assess your immediate health situation, and from here we can provide you with travel insurance quotes providing cover which is correct for you.

You may find the below links useful for information regarding your condition. Information from this webpage has been collected from the following sources:

In need of assistance?

Our medical travel insurance team are ready to provide you with assistance regarding your quote. If you would prefer to talk to an advisor to receive a quote or have a query please contact our UK based customer service team. Find out details on our contact us page.